Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Helpful Plugging!!

I'm slowly getting the hang of interacting within the blogging community. It's so much fun, and greatly addicting -- which is the last thing I need right now. *eyeroll*

While marching through the many wonderful, wonderful blogs, I discovered another blogger's giveaway for Atonement by Ian McEwan. Now, I mentioned having borrowed that book from the library -- twice -- without being able to read it; I was too embarrassed to check it out a third time. Needless to say, I'd really like to own the book, so I'm gonna try and enter. You should, too!

Check out the Book Rat's blog for details and awesomeness. It ends September 15th so be sure to get your name in before then. (:


Sheila (bookjourney) said...

I have not read that book either. Thanks for the heads up! :)

ParaJunkee said...

Thanks for the info. Your blog is beautiful! I'm following. I haven't read the book, I'll have to check this out.

Misty said...

Thanks for blogging me! I love your blog design. I love the goal, too. I feel like I was going through that a few years ago, reading only what I was familiar with. I read some really great things, but I was in a rut. I started asking people for recommendations in their favorite genres, things I had never really read (graphic novels, sci-fi/fantasy, etc), and making myself work in things that tend to get ignored: poetry, drama, non-fic, etc.
As a result, I have read some truly fantastic things and discovered new genres that rock my socks off (hello, magical realism, where have you been all my life?) Also, I didn't realize how much sci-fi/fantasy I had actually read when I was saying "I don't read sci-fi/fantasy." Yeah, that was a lie.

So, to help you in your quest, I'm going to recommend my favorite modern author, largely unknown and wholly fantastic: David Mitchell. Everything by him is different than the last, he's very international in scope, and writes beautifully. If you read anything by him, stop by and let me know. I love to discuss him.

Good luck on my contest!
